of you have written concerning the beard-removal ex- periment. I did not want to refer to it until my chemist had had a chance to really try. But in view of the pressure from all of you feminine "things", I will say that I've temporarily discontinued the experiment for two reasons: 1) that the water-base solution is a most awkward method. And it proved literally not feasible to maintain the necessary systematic applications night after night after night. The chemist is now convinced that very few people will have the patience of sustaining this type of application for the needed long time. he is now working on the same formula but in "cream form", the only practical way. The second reason why I discontinued the experiment was that in my eagerness to see results I kept asking for much stronger solutions. And the last one he gave me turned out to have such a penetrating odor that after 30 minutes with the compress held against your chin you began to gag and had the awful feeling your stomach was going to misbehave in a most un- ladylike fashion. So...I am now patiently waiting for the second round of experiments. As I promised, I will keep you informed of whatever progress we make.
Yes, Virginia says I should really help her out by remembering once in a while that there are such things as paragraphs. As you may have noticed, I have the peculiar habit of using as my favorite form of punctuation the three little dots . which is
a rather lazy and comfortable way of writing, but which can be fairly annoying to an from the many subjects that come up when TV's get together...the most recent one turned out to be VOICE. This is a beautiful subject because it gives me the opportunity to criticize to my heart's con- tent, knowing full well that no TV feels comfortable when the subject of voice is brought up. We go to great lengths in our efforts to project "the girl- within". We dress her up in the latest of fashions... we spend hours perfecting make-up techniques...we